Technical documentation: Overview

This document will cover a technical documentation for the Trapper project.


Trapper was developed with a flexible architecture in mind. For that reason it was separated into few django applications which establish some layers of abstraction over common usages. As of yet, there exist few core trapper applications, which often communicate between each other.

Django applications

Trapper is composed of several Django applications. In next section we will cover each application in the project, describing the Models (database ORM definition) of each application, its Views (Controller in the MVC) as well as the frontend, i.e. Templates. In many cases we will also cover the Forms or the Decorators of the application.

Core applications of Trapper are following:

Coding style

General rules

  • We aim to follow PEP-8 coding style guide, although at this stage of development it wasn’t as carefully abiden.
  • Exception to the rule above is using tabs instead of spaces for indentation, and allowing for a line longer than 79 characters.

Strings: single vs double quotes

Use double quotes:

  • When the string is a sentence, message or a word: "Four Torkshiremen.", "Shoebox"

Use single quotes:

  • When the string is a regexp: r'spam/detail/(?P<pk>\d+)/$'
  • When the string is an identifier, kwarg which is not a sentence or a dict key:
    'A': "Apples",
    'B': "Banana",

def set_color(color='red'):
    """Sets the color."""

Intentation in templates

  • Python code in templates should be indented up to the current indentation level of the preceeding HTML tag
  • Each variable should be separated by one space from the parenthesis, e.g. {{ value }} and not {{value}}
{% for row in table_rows %}
    {% for cell in row.cells %}
        <td>{{ cell }}</td>
    {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
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