Installation guide

The project is developed using:

  • Python 2.7.x
  • Django 1.6

System requirements:

  • virtualenv
  • RabbitMQ server
  • PostgreSQL 9.1 (tested on version 9.1.9)
  • Geospatial libraries: GEOS and PROJ.4
  • PostGIS (preferably 2.0.x)

System requirements

Let us start with the installation of the system dependencies. Django and other python requirements will be installed locally inside the project using virtualenv.


This guide will cover the installation on the Ubuntu/Debian systems. For other systems, please use the recommended methods of package installation.

Command below will install virtualenv, postgresql, geospatial libraries, PostGIS and rabbitmq-server:

user@home:~$ sudo apt-get install python-virtualenv postgresql-9.1 binutils
libproj-dev gdal-bin postgresql-server-dev-9.1
rabbitmq-server libavcodec-dev libavformat-dev libswscale-dev libjpeg-dev python-dev

Before installing postgis, check which version is available at your system:

user@home:~$ sudo apt-get install -s postgresql-9.1-postgis | grep postgis

It may be the case that your version is 1.5.x or lower.

You can either install the available version same as before:

user@home:~$ sudo apt-get install postgresql-9.1-postgis

Or you could try to find the way to obtain PostGIS 2.x for your system:

Preparing PostgreSQL database

In this section we will prepare the database for handling the geospatial data, as well as setup some basic user privileges. Before we downloading Trapper perform the following actions in a console:

Now we will create a new postgresql user named trapper.

user@home:~$ adduser trapper
(use unix defaults here)
user@home:~$ su - postgres
postgres@home:~$ psql
postgres=# CREATE USER trapper WITH PASSWORD 'trapper';
postgres=# \q

Snipplet above does the following:

  1. Creates a new unix user called trapper
  2. Switches to postgres user
  3. Runs psql command-line interface and connects to a template1 database
  4. Creates the postgresql user trapper
  5. \q exists the psql


In production code you will most likely want to create a user with a more sophisticated password (don’t forget to update the trapper/ accordingly).


In order to run trapper’s automated unit tests user might need some additional privileges for creating databases. In order to resolve that without assigning him superuser provileges, see Obtaining sufficient privileges section of the Django documentation.

Now we will create a database and set up the postgis extension on it:

user@home:~$ su - postgres
postgres@home:~$ psql
postgres=# CREATE DATABASE trapper_db OWNER trapper;
postgres=# GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE trapper_db TO trapper;
postgres=# \c trapper_db
You are now connected to database "trapper_db" as user "postgres"
trapper_db=# CREATE EXTENSION postgis;
trapper_db=# \q

Snipplet above does the following:

  1. Switches to a postgres user
  2. Runs psql command-line interface and connects to a template1 database
  3. Creates the database named trapper_db and makes trapper its owner
  4. Connects to the newly created database
  5. installs the postgis extension (required for the geospatial features of Trapper)
  6. \q exists the psql


Creating the postgis extension (last step of the snipplet above) is a little bit more involved with PostGIS 1.x. For more details on how to set up a PostGIS 1.x database please refer to:

Preparing the project

Next step is cloning the repository and installing python the requirements.

user@home:~$ git clone
user@home:~$ cd Trapper/
user@home:~$ virtualenv env
user@home:~$ ./env/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt

Running Trapper

The project is now set up and ready to use. Initialize the database along with the test data and run the server:

user@home:~$ ./
user@home:~$ ./

Additionally, execute a celery worker in a separate shell:

user@home:~$ ./

Extra: Generating this documentation

Since Trapper is developed using virtualenv, it may be difficult to generate this documentation using sphinx-build that’s installed system-wide. In order to resolve that simply perform the following steps:


$TRAPPER_ROOT is the path the Trapper on your system, e.g. /home/user/MyProjects/Trapper/

user@home:~$ cd $TRAPPER_ROOT
user@home:~$ which sphinx-build
/usr/bin/sphinx-build (or other system path)
user@home:~$ source ./env/bin/activate
user@home:~$ which sphinx-build

After that you should be able to generate this document without problems:

user@home:~$ cd $TRAPPER_ROOT/docs/
user@home:~$ make html

After that, this website will reside in $TRAPPER_ROOT/docs/_build directory.

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